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Get all correlations

Returns a paged list of all correlations generated in the last week, optionally filtered by attribute, strength, or confidence. Results limited to your read scopes.


GET /api/2/correlations/

curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_TOKEN]" 
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})


Name Description
limit Number of values to return per page. Optional, max is 100.
page Page index. Optional, default is 1.
strong Boolean flag, set to 1 to return only correlations above a certain relationship strength
confident Boolean flag, set to 1 to return only correlations with a five-star confidence
attribute Pass the name of an attribute to filter correlations to this attribute only


Returns a JSON object containing an array of correlation results:

  "count": 479, 
  "next": "", 
  "previous": null, 
  "results": [
      "date": "2022-05-16",
      "period": 309,
      "offset": 0,
      "attribute": "sleep",
      "attribute2": "sleep_start",
      "value": -0.5577851552276848,
      "p": 1.1564227190131434e-26,
      "percentage": 55.77851552276848,
      "stars": 5,
      "second_person": "you spend more time asleep when you go to bed earlier.",
      "second_person_elements": [
        "you spend more time asleep",
        "you go to bed earlier"
      "attribute_category": null,
      "strength_description": "Quite often go together",
      "stars_description": "Certain to be related",
      "description": null,
      "occurrence": null,
      "rating": null
    // ...snip!...

Find a specific correlation combination

Takes parameters for the two related attributes and returns one or zero correlations, depending on whether Exist has found something. Will only return a result if at least one of the attributes is in your read scopes.


GET /api/2/correlations/combo/

curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_TOKEN]" 
import requests

    params={"attribute":"sleep", "attribute2":"workouts_min"},
    headers={'Authorization':'Bearer [YOUR_TOKEN]'})


Name Description
attribute String name of first attribute
attribute2 String name of second attribute

These can be in any order.


Returns a single correlation object or a HTTP status 404 result with an error object if none is found.

  "date": "2022-05-16",
  "period": 305,
  "offset": 0,
  "attribute": "sleep",
  "attribute2": "workouts_min",
  "value": 0.12521231439002578,
  "p": 0.028788436765440892,
  "percentage": 12.521231439002579,
  "stars": 4,
  "second_person": "you spend more time working out when you spend more time asleep.",
  "second_person_elements": [
    "you spend more time working out",
    "you spend more time asleep"
  "attribute_category": null,
  "strength_description": "Rarely go together",
  "stars_description": "Almost certainly related",
  "description": null,
  "occurrence": null,
  "rating": {
    "positive": true,
    "rating_type": 50,
    "rating": "Useful"