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Returns a paged list of the authenticated user's insights (see the definition). Results are limited to your read scopes.


GET /api/2/insights/


Name Description
limit Number of values to return per page. Optional, max is 100.
page Page index. Optional, default is 1.
date_min Oldest date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.
date_max Most recent date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.
priority Filter by insight priority, where 1 = today and 4 = last month. Optional.
curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_TOKEN]"
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Bearer [YOUR_TOKEN]'})


Returns a JSON object containing a paged array:

  "count": 12,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "created": "2022-05-16T13:17:03+08:00",
      "target_date": "2022-05-16",
      "type": {
        "name": "dow_sleep",
        "period": 1,
        "priority": 1,
        "attribute": {
          "name": "sleep",
          "label": "Time asleep",
          "group": {
            "name": "sleep",
            "label": "Sleep",
            "priority": 3
          "priority": 1,
          "value_type": 3,
          "value_type_description": "Period (min)"
      "html": "<div class=\"secondary\">Last night&#x27;s sleep was surprisingly long.</div>\r\n<div class=\"num-label\">Monday is usually your shortest sleep of the week.</div>",
      "text": "Last night's sleep was surprisingly long.\r\nMonday is usually your shortest sleep of the week."
    // ...snip!...