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Attribute ownership


This section only applies for OAuth2 clients.

Only one service may have ownership of any user attribute at any given time. Services must acquire ownership of an attribute to be able to write data for this attribute, and can release ownership if needed, for example if the user closes their account with this service or chooses to turn off certain attributes. Users can change which services own their attributes from their attributes page.

The process of acquiring an attribute only needs to happen once, not each time the attribute is updated, although you may get an error if you attempt to update an attribute you don't own. Read more about approaches for handling this in the guide.

Acquire attributes

Acquiring an attribute makes your client the owner of the attribute. This allows a service to write values for this attribute. Users do not have to approve this (mostly because this would be cumbersome) so please explain/confirm this behaviour with users within your own application. Acquiring a templated attribute the user doesn't have yet will create this attribute and give you ownership.


POST /api/2/attributes/acquire/

curl "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer [your_token]" -X POST -d '[{"template":"mood"}, {"template":"mood_note"}]'
import requests, json

url = ''

attributes = [{"template":"mood"}, {"template":"mood_note"}]

response =, headers={'Authorization':'Bearer [your_token]', 'Content-Type':'application/json'},


Clients must send a JSON-encoded array of objects. Maximum is 35 objects in the array.

Name Description
For templated attributes
template The name of the attribute template to use
For acquiring any attribute
name The attribute name, eg. mood_note
Other fields
manual Boolean flag to set this attribute as manually updated or not
success_objects Boolean flag in query parameters which, if set, provides a full attribute object in the response for each successful acquisition

To learn more about when you might want to template vs name, read about this topic in the guide.


Returns 200 OK if all attributes were processed successfully, or 202 Accepted if some attributes failed. The content is a JSON object containing success and failed arrays, where each item in the array is an attribute sent in the prior request. Failed attributes get error and error_code fields added.

{ "success": [ 
    { "name":"mood_note",
  "failed": [
    { "title":"mood",
      "error":"Object at index 0 missing field(s) 'name'"

Release attributes

Do this to release your ownership of any attributes. The attributes' ownership will pass to another service, if the user has another supplied that has indicated it can handle this attribute, or otherwise become inactive.


POST /api/2/attributes/release/

curl "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer [your_token]" -X POST -d '[{"name":"mood"}, {"name":"mood_note"}]'
import requests, json

url = ''

attributes = [{"name":"mood"}, {"name":"mood_note"}]

response =, headers={'Authorization':'Bearer [your_token]'}, 


Clients must send a JSON-encoded array of objects, where each object contains a name string. The objects may seem superfluous but this is to be consistent with the acquire endpoint. Maximum is 35 objects in the array.

Name Description
name The attribute name, eg. mood_note


Returns 200 OK if all attributes were processed successfully, or 202 Accepted if some attributes failed. The content is a JSON object containing success and failed arrays, where each item in the array is an attribute sent in the prior request. Failed attributes get error and error_code fields added.

{ "success": [ 
    { "name":"mood_note" }
  "failed": [
    { "name":"mood",
      "error":"Attribute 'mood' does not belong to this service"

List owned attributes

Retrieve a list of the user's attributes, without any values. Results are limited to what your service already owns.


GET /api/2/attributes/owned/

curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer [token]"
import requests

             headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer [token]'})


All parameters are optional.

Parameter Description
page Page index. Optional, default is 1.
limit Integer defining how many results to a page
groups Comma-separated list of groups to filter by, e.g. activity,workouts
attributes Comma-separated list of attributes to filter by
exclude_custom Boolean flag, set to true to only show templated attributes
manual Boolean flag, set to true to only show manual attributes or false to exclude
include_inactive Boolean flag, set to true to include attributes with active = False, usually hidden
include_low_priority Boolean flag, set to true to include attributes with a priority >= 10


A paged list of attribute objects belonging to this user. available_services shows the services a user has connected which have indicated they can provide data for this attribute.

  "count": 34,
  "next": "",
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "template": "steps",
      "name": "steps",
      "label": "Steps",
      "group": {
        "name": "activity",
        "label": "Activity",
        "priority": 1
      "service": {
        "name": "test500",
        "label": "My Test Client"
      "active": true,
      "priority": 1,
      "manual": false,
      "value_type": 0,
      "value_type_description": "Integer",
      "available_services": [
          "name": "test500",
          "label": "My Test Client"
          "name": "oura",
          "label": "Oura"
          "name": "withings",
          "label": "Withings"
    // ...snip!...