shell python


Hello! So you want to take your Exist data and do interesting things with it. Great! First things first, though: the API can only be accessed by user accounts. Sign up if you don’t yet have an account. Once you do, great! You can access all features of the API including writing data to attributes.

If you’re building something on the Exist API we encourage you to sign up to the API mailing list so we can update you on progress (typically we only email a few times a year).

Getting started

The API lives at All requests must use HTTPS.

POST bodies can be sent as application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, or multipart/form-data. However the API will only return JSON. XML is so last decade.

Requests are currently rate-limited at 300/hr per user token. Given user data does not change frequently within an hourly period (if at all) this should be more than adequate.

Wherever you see the username argument in a URL you may substitute the special keyword $self to request the authenticated user.

OAuth2 is the main means of authorising requests to the API, but if you’re building a personal read-only client you might like to use simple token auth. Read the authentication overview to see which one you need.

To get stuck in and retrieve some personal data, you should start by creating a new client app, then get today’s overview.

Important values

Name Value
API base URL
OAuth2 base URL
Response type application/json
Rate-limiting 300 requests/hr per user token
POSTing data application/x-www-form-urlencoded (the usual) or send the body as application/json
OAuth2 auth header Authorization: Bearer [tokenxyz]
Simple token auth header Authorization: Token [tokenabc]
Getting a simple token POST 'username' and 'password' to
Testing your token GET$self/today/
See some JSON in your browser$self/today/

Object types and terminology


    "id": 1,
    "username": "josh",
    "first_name": "Josh",
    "last_name": "Sharp",
    "bio": "I made this thing you're using.",
    "url": "",
    "avatar": "",
    "timezone": "Australia/Melbourne",
    "local_time": "2020-05-08T20:56:20.417+10:00",
    "private": false,
    "imperial_units": false

Users are pretty self-explanatory.

Most of the time you will only be concerned with the currently authenticated user, so wherever you see the username argument in a URL you may substitute the special keyword $self to request the authenticated user.


    "attribute": "steps",
    "label": "Steps",
            "name": "activity",
            "priority": 1
    "priority": 1,
    "service": "Fitbit",
    "value_type": 0,
    "value_type_description": "Integer",
    "private": false,
    "values": [
            "value": 3725,
            "date": "2015-05-08"
            "value": 6177,
            "date": "2015-05-07"
            "value": 7811,
            "date": "2015-05-06"
            "value": 6632,
            "date": "2015-05-05"
            "value": 6014,
            "date": "2015-05-04"
            "value": 4376,
            "date": "2015-05-03"
            "value": 8671,
            "date": "2015-05-02"
            "value": 4658,
            "date": "2015-05-01"

This is our name for data points or individual numbers a user can track about themselves. These are tracked at a single day granularity — there’s no per-hour or -minute data. Attributes can be strings but are usually quantifiable, ie. integers or floats.

An attribute has many values, one for each day that it has been tracked. In some responses, you’ll see the value property reflected within an attribute object. At other times, particularly if you are requesting multiple days of data, the values property will contain an array of date/value pairs.

If there is no data for a particular date, this will be reflected with a null value — you should expect to receive a list of results containing every single day, rather than days without data being left out.

All datetimes are in UTC unless otherwise specified, and should have the user’s timezone applied to create a local TZ-aware datetime. All dates are local to the user.

Values are always stored internally and returned in metric units. Each user object contains an imperial_units boolean which must be respected when formatting values for the user, ie. if this is true, a steps_distance value must be converted from km to miles.

In situations where multiple attributes are requested, for example the “today” overview, these attributes will be returned grouped. A group represents attributes that belong together, for example the “activity” group contains the attributes steps, active_min, etc. You can see an example of this in the ‘overview’ endpoint.

Clients should display attributes in these groups when displaying multiple attributes. Groups are currently fairly broad and may change as we add more supported attributes.

See list of supported attributes.


    "date": "2015-05-11", 
    "period": 90, 
    "attribute": "steps", 
    "attribute2": "steps_distance", 
    "value": 0.999735821732415,
    "p": 5.43055953485446e-146,
    "percentage": 43.254411196924906,
    "stars": 2,
    "second_person": "You get more steps when you spend more time active.",
    "second_person_elements": [
        "you get more steps",
        "you spend more time active"
    "attribute_category": null,
    "strength_description": "Quite often go together",
    "stars_description": "Certain to be related",
    "description": null,
    "occurrence": null,
    "rating": null

Correlations are a measure of the relationship between two variables. A positive correlation implies that as one variable increases (its values get higher), so does the other. A negative correlation implies that as one variable increases, the other decreases. We present these to users as a way to explain past trends, and use them to predict future behaviour.

Correlation values vary between -1 and +1 with 0 implying no correlation. Correlations of -1 or +1 imply an exact linear relationship.

P-values are a way of determining confidence in the result. A value lower than 0.05 is generally considered “statistically significant”.

We create simple English sentences to represent each possible correlation as a combination of attributes.

We’re also careful to represent these as correlations only, not as one attribute directly causing a change in the other, and we ask that you do the same. Correlation is not causation. There may be many hidden factors which underlie the relationship between two attributes. It is up to the user to determine the cause.

Correlations are generated weekly, so past values are also available in order to chart their changing strength.


“You are moderately more likely (55%) to be productive when you listen to music.”

In this case the value is 0.55, and this is a positive correlation — when one value (tracks played) increases, so does the other (time spent productively).

“You are somewhat less likely (25%) to be active when it’s warmer in the day.”

In this case the value is -0.25, and this is a negative correlation — when one value (max temp) increases, the other decreases (time active).


    "created": "2015-05-08T05:05:46Z",
    "target_date": "2015-05-07",
    "html": "<div class=\"secondary\">Thursday marks a new productivity streak!</div>",
    "value": "3 days",
    "value2": "3",
    "comment": null,
    "type": {
        "name": "productive_min_goal_best_streak",
        "period": 1,
        "priority": 2,
        "attribute": {
            "name": "productive_min",
            "label": "Productive time",
            "group": {
                "name": "productivity",
                "priority": 2
            "priority": 1

Insights are interesting events found within the user’s data. These are not triggered by the user but generated automatically if the user’s data fits an insight type’s criteria. Typically these fall into a few categories: day-level events, for example, yesterday was the highest or lowest steps value in however many days; and week and month-level events, like summaries of total steps walked for the month. If an insight is relevant to a specific day it will contain a target_date value.

Insights have a priority where 1 is highest and means real-time, 2 is day-level, 3 is week, and 4 is month.

HTML output is provided, however each insight could be assembled from the value fields and knowledge of the insight type, if required.


Thursday marks a new productivity streak! Beat your goal every day for 3 days


    "attribute": "floors",
    "date": "2015-05-03",
    "overall": 13,
    "monday": 13,
    "tuesday": 16,
    "wednesday": 13,
    "thursday": 12,
    "friday": 14,
    "saturday": 13,
    "sunday": 13

Averages are generated weekly and are the basis of our goal system. For attributes that don’t warrant a specific related attribute_name_goal attribute, the average is used to create the “end value” of the attribute’s progress bar in our dashboard — meaning each day, users are being shown their progress relative to their usual behaviour. We break down averages by day of the week but also record the overall average. As we keep historical data this allows us to plot “rolling averages” showing changes in attribute values.

Note: these are actually medians, but we use “average” as it’s simpler to explain to users. Please also use this terminology.

Clients and services

We use client to refer an application with OAuth2 client credentials. A client which writes data to attributes is termed a service.

List of attributes

All attributes we currently support. The group an attribute belongs to may change in future, but attribute names should be considered stable.

Remember all data should be sent, and is stored and returned, in metric units. Imperial conversion should occur when rendering as required.

See attribute definition.

Name Group Value type description Value type
steps Activity Integer 0
steps_active_min Activity Period (minutes as integer) 3
steps_elevation Activity Float (km) 1
floors Activity Integer 0
steps_distance Activity Float (km) 1
cycle_min Activity Period (minutes as integer) 3
cycle_distance Activity Float (km) 1
active_energy Activity Float (kJ) 1
workouts Workouts Integer 0
workouts_min Workouts Period (minutes as integer) 3
workouts_distance Workouts Float (km) 1
productive_min Productivity Period (minutes as integer) 3
neutral_min Productivity Period (minutes as integer) 3
distracting_min Productivity Period (minutes as integer) 3
commits Productivity Integer 0
tasks_completed Productivity Integer 0
words_written Productivity Integer 0
emails_sent Productivity Integer 0
emails_received Productivity Integer 0
pomodoros_min Productivity Period (minutes as integer) 3
keystrokes Productivity Period (minutes as integer) 3
custom Custom tracking String 2
coffees Food and drink Integer 0
alcoholic_drinks Food and drink Integer 0
energy Food and drink Float (kJ) 1
water Food and drink Integer (ml) 0
carbohydrates Food and drink Float (g) 1
fat Food and drink Float (g) 1
fibre Food and drink Float (g) 1
protein Food and drink Float (g) 1
sugar Food and drink Float (g) 1
sodium Food and drink Float (mg) 1
cholesterol Food and drink Float (mg) 1
caffeine Food and drink Float (mg) 1
money_spent Finance Float (user’s local currency unit) 1
mood Mood Integer (between 1 and 9 inclusive) 0
mood_note Mood String (max 1000 characters) 2
sleep Sleep Period (minutes as integer) 3
time_in_bed Sleep Period (minutes as integer) 3
sleep_start Sleep Time of day (minutes from midday as integer) 6
sleep_end Sleep Time of day (minutes from midnight as integer) 4
sleep_awakenings Sleep Integer 0
events Events Integer 0
events_duration Events Period (minutes as integer) 3
weight Health Float (kg) 1
body_fat Health Float (percentage, 0.0 to 1.0) 5
lean_mass Health Float (kg) 1
heartrate Health Integer 0
heartrate_max Health Integer 0
heartrate_resting Health Integer 0
meditation_min Health Period (minutes as integer) 3
menstrual_flow Health Integer (0=none, 1=spotting, 2=light, 3=medium, 4=heavy) 0
sexual_activity Health Integer 0
checkins Location Integer 0
location Location String ("lat,lng" format where lat and lng are floats) 2
tracks Media Integer 0
articles_read Media Integer 0
pages_read Media Integer 0
mobile_screen_min Media Period (minutes as integer) 3
gaming_min Media Period (minutes as integer) 3
tv_min Media Period (minutes as integer) 3
facebook_posts Social Integer 0
facebook_comments Social Integer 0
facebook_reactions Social Integer 0
tweets Twitter Integer 0
twitter_mentions Twitter Integer 0
twitter_username Twitter String 2
weather_temp_max Weather Float (degrees Celsius) 1
weather_temp_min Weather Float (degrees Celsius) 1
weather_precipitation Weather Float (inches of water per hour) 1
weather_cloud_cover Weather Float (percentage of sky covered, 0.0 to 1.0) 5
weather_wind_speed Weather Float (km/hr) 1
weather_summary Weather String 2
weather_icon Weather String (name of icon best representing weather values) 2
sunrise Weather Time of day (minutes from midnight as integer) 4
sunset Weather Time of day (minutes from midday as integer) 6

Attribute value types

These are the allowed types of values an attribute can store.

Value type description Value type
Integer 0
Float 1
String 2
Period (minutes as integer) 3
Time of day (minutes from midnight as integer) 4
Float (percentage, 0.0 to 1.0) 5
Time of day (minutes from midday as integer) 6
Boolean 7
Scale (1-9 as integer) 8

Custom tags

An example of the today endpoint’s output for the custom group.


    "group": "custom",
    "label": "Custom tracking",
    "priority": 3,
    "items": [
            "attribute": "custom",
            "label": "Custom tracking",
            "value": "accounting,",
            "service": "exist_for_android",
            "priority": 1,
            "private": true,
            "value_type": 2,
            "value_type_description": "String"
            "attribute": "accounting",
            "label": "Accounting",
            "value": 1,
            "service": "builtin",
            "priority": 2,
            "private": true,
            "value_type": 0,
            "value_type_description": "Integer"
            "attribute": "tired",
            "label": "Tired",
            "value": 0,
            "service": "builtin",
            "priority": 2,
            "private": true,
            "value_type": 0,
            "value_type_description": "Integer"


Custom tags are represented as integer type attributes within the custom group, and are user-defined so unable to be listed here. Examples include tags like meditation, tired, and sex.

The custom attribute is a string representation of the tags a user has sent, but may be truncated to the last tag to fit within 250 characters. Using this string might be helpful to you as a quick and easy way to display tags, so feel free to use it if it suits your purposes, but is not the source of truth. To correctly get all tags for a day, collect all attribute names for attributes with a priority of 2 or higher, within the custom group, with a value of 1. A value of 1 represents the “tagged” state, 0 meaning the tag was not used for that day.

Tag names are stored with spaces converted to underscores and should always be rendered with underscores converted back to spaces, to be more user-friendly.

Authentication overview

There are two authentication methods — simple tokens, and OAuth2 clients. So which one do you need?

Simple token authentication is read-only and exists as a basic means for users to access their own data from Exist. This method is available to everyone by exchanging a username and password for a token that doesn’t expire. This is only recommended for quickly building a single-user, read-only client, and may be deprecated in future.

OAuth2 clients are superior to simple-token authentication as they can acquire control of attributes and write values for attributes. One client application can create and use access tokens for many users. One user may have many clients authorised to access their Exist account, each with a separate token that can be revoked.

OAuth2 clients are now available to all users. You can create one from your app management page within your Exist account.

Simple token authentication

All endpoints require authentication. We use a simple token-based scheme which allows a single token per user. Make sure this token is included in your requests by including the Authorization header with every request.

If you are logged in to Exist in the browser your session-based authentication will also work. This is handy for browsing the API (assuming you’ve set up your browser to accept JSON) but shouldn’t be relied on for programmatic access.

Requesting a token

curl -d username=bobby_tables -d password=existrulz123
import requests'',

Returns a token object in JSON:

{ "token": "96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737" }

Exchange your user credentials for a token. This token will not change or expire by design but may be deprecated as we move to OAuth2 in the future.


POST /api/1/auth/simple-token/


Key Example value
username bobby_tables
password existrulz123


A JSON object containing a token key.

Signing requests

Include the Authorization: Token [your_token] header in all requests.

Include the “Authorization: Token xyz” header in all requests.

import requests,
    headers={'Authorization':'Token 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737'})
# With curl, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
  -H "Authorization: Token 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737"

OAuth2 authentication

All endpoints require authentication, except those that are part of the OAuth2 authorisation flow. Make sure your access token is included in your requests by including the Authorization: Bearer header with every request.

You may mix and match OAuth2 authentication with simple token or even session-based authentication as you test the API. API endpoints will respond with JSON within your browser if you are logged in to the site.

Authorisation flow

Send your user to the authorisation page at

# We can't really do this from the shell, but your URL would look like this:

# in django, we would do something like this
return redirect('' % (CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URI,"read+write"))

User authorises your client by hitting 'Allow’, and Exist returns the user to your redirect_uri with code=[some_code] in the query string. Exchange your code for an access token:

curl -X POST -d "grant_type=authorization_code" -d "code=[some_code]" -d "client_id=[your_id]" -d "client_secret=[your_secret]" -d "redirect_uri=[your_uri]"
import requests

url = ''

response =,
            'redirect_uri':REDIRECT_URI })

Returns JSON if your request was successful:

{ "access_token": "122bb8707b6aee134e7746a40feca41868ddd578", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 31535999, "refresh_token": "ac45027ad037f53b3ce91be272b163f55a4a87e9", "scope": "read write read+write" }

The OAuth2 authorisation flow is vastly simpler than the original OAuth 1.0:

  1. Send your user to the “request authorisation” page at /oauth2/authorize with these parameters:
    • response_type=code to request an auth code in return
    • redirect_uri with the URI to which Exist returns the user (must be HTTPS)
    • scope=read or scope=read+write to request read or read/write permissions
    • client_id which is your OAuth2 client ID
  2. User authorises your application within the requested scopes (by hitting 'Allow’ in the browser)
  3. Exist returns the user to your redirect_uri (GET request) with the following:
    • code parameter upon success
    • error parameter if the user didn’t authorise your client, or any other error with your request
  4. Exchange this code for an access token by POSTing to /oauth2/access_token these parameters:
    • grant_type=authorization_code
    • code with the code you just received
    • client_id with your OAuth2 client ID
    • client_secret with your OAuth2 client secret
    • redirect_uri with the URI you used earlier
  5. If successful you will receive a JSON object with an access_token, refresh_token, token_type, scope, and expires_in time in seconds.

Refreshing an access token

curl -X POST -d "grant_type=refresh_token" -d "refresh_token=[token]" -d "client_id=[your_id]" -d "client_secret=[your_secret]"
import requests

url = ''

response =,

Returns JSON if your request was successful:

{ "access_token": "122bb8707b6aee134e7746a40feca41868ddd578", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 31535999, "refresh_token": "ac45027ad037f53b3ce91be272b163f55a4a87e9", "scope": "read write read+write" }

Tokens expire in a year and can be refreshed at any time, invalidating the original access and refresh tokens.


POST /oauth2/access_token


Name Description
refresh_token The refresh token previously received in the auth flow
grant_type refresh_token
client_id Your OAuth2 client ID
client_secret Your OAuth2 client secret


The same as your original access token response, a JSON object with an access_token, refresh_token, token_type, scope, and expires_in time in seconds.

Signing requests

import requests,
    headers={'Authorization':'Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737'})
# With curl, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737"

Sign all authenticated requests by adding the Authorization header, Authorization: Bearer [access_token]. Note that this differs from the simple token-based authentication by using Bearer, not Token.


Get profile stub for user

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/profile/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a user object in JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "username": "josh",
    "first_name": "Josh",
    "last_name": "Sharp",
    "bio": "I made this thing you're using.",
    "url": "",
    "avatar": "",
    "timezone": "Australia/Melbourne",
    "local_time": "2020-07-31T22:33:49.359+10:00",
    "private": false,
    "imperial_units": false,
    "imperial_distance": false,
    "imperial_weight": false,
    "imperial_energy": false,
    "imperial_liquid": false,
    "imperial_temperature": false,
    "attributes": [ ]

Returns an overview of the user’s personal details.


GET /api/1/users/:username/profile/

Get current overview for user

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/today/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a user object in JSON:

    "id": 1,
    "username": "josh",
    "first_name": "Josh",
    "last_name": "Sharp",
    "bio": "I made this thing you're using.",
    "url": "",
    "avatar": "",
    "timezone": "Australia/Melbourne",
    "local_time": "2020-07-31T22:33:49.359+10:00",
    "private": false,
    "imperial_units": false,
    "imperial_distance": false,
    "imperial_weight": false,
    "imperial_energy": false,
    "imperial_liquid": false,
    "imperial_temperature": false,
    "attributes": [
            "group": "activity",
            "label": "Activity",
            "priority": 1, 
            "items": [
                    "attribute": "steps", 
                    "label": "Steps", 
                    "value": 258, 
                    "service": "Fitbit", 
                    "priority": 1, 
                    "private": false,
                    "value_type": 0,
                    "value_type_description": "Integer"
                    "attribute": "floors", 
                    "label": "Floors", 
                    "value": 2, 
                    "service": "Fitbit", 
                    "priority": 2, 
                    "private": false,
                    "value_type": 0,
                    "value_type_description": "Integer"

Returns an overview of the user’s personal details, and their grouped attributes containing current values. This is analogous to the “Today” tiles in the dashboard.

When requesting the currently authenticated user, you will receive all attributes. For other users, this will return a user stub.


GET /api/1/users/:username/today/


Get multiple attributes

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/attributes/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a list of attribute objects each with a list of values, by default all attributes:

        "attribute": "steps",
        "label": "Steps",
        "group": {
            "name": "activity",
            "label": "Activity",
            "priority": 1
        "service": "Fitbit",
        "private": false,
        "values": [
                "value": 331,
                "date": "2014-08-01"
                "value": 5872,
                "date": "2014-07-31"
                "value": 2832,
                "date": "2014-07-30"
                "value": 5153,
                "date": "2014-07-29"
                "value": 4354,
                "date": "2014-07-28"
                "value": 7132,
                "date": "2014-07-27"
                "value": 4144,
                "date": "2014-07-26"
        "attribute": "floors",
        "label": "Floors",
        "group": {
            "name": "activity",
            "label": "Activity",
            "priority": 1
        "service": "Fitbit",
        "private": false,
        "values": [ ]

Return the user’s attributes, all attributes with the last week’s values by default. Currently this method is only allowed for the authenticated user.

If you need to get a specific date range or combination of attribute values, you may combine the optional parameters to do so.


GET /api/1/users/:username/attributes/


Name Description
limit Number of values to return, starting with the newest date. Optional, max is 31.
attributes Optional comma-separated list of attributes, e.g. mood,mood_note
groups Optional comma-separated list of groups to filter attributes by, e.g. mood,health
date_max Optional date specifying the newest value that can be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd.

Get a specific attribute

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/attributes/steps/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a list of attribute values, omitting the attribute object itself:

    "count": 655,
    "next": "",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "value": 3783,
            "date": "2015-05-08"
        }, {
            "value": 6177,
            "date": "2015-05-07"
        }, {
            "value": 7811,
            "date": "2015-05-06"
        }, {
            "value": 6632,
            "date": "2015-05-05"
        }, {
            "value": 6014,
            "date": "2015-05-04"
        }, {
            "value": 4376,
            "date": "2015-05-03"
        }, {
            "value": 8671,
            "date": "2015-05-02"

Returns a paged list of all values from an attribute.


GET /api/1/users/:username/attributes/:attribute/


Name Description
limit Number of values to return per page. Optional, max is 100.
page Page index. Optional, default is 1.
date_max Most recent date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.


Get all insights

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/insights/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a JSON object containing a paged array:

    "count": 740, 
    "next": "", 
    "previous": null, 
    "results": [
            "created": "2015-05-09T01:00:02Z", 
            "target_date": "2015-05-08", 
            "html": "<div class=\"secondary\">Friday night: Shortest sleep for 3 days</div>...", 
            "text": "Friday night: Shortest sleep for 3 days\r\n", 
            "type": {
                "name": "sleep_worst_since_x", 
                "period": 1, 
                "priority": 2, 
                "attribute": {
                    "name": "sleep", 
                    "label": "Time asleep", 
                    "group": {
                        "name": "sleep", 
                        "priority": 3
                    "priority": 2
            "created": "2015-05-08T21:00:03Z", 
            "target_date": null, 
            "html": "<div class=\"number\">09:38</div>...",
            "text": "09:38 average time asleep...",
            "type": {
                "name": "sleep_end_average_week", 
                "period": 7, 
                "priority": 3, 
                "attribute": {
                    "name": "sleep_end", 
                    "label": "Wake time", 
                    "group": {
                        "name": "sleep", 
                        "priority": 3
                    "priority": 4

Returns a paged list of user’s insights. Only available for the currently authenticated user.


GET /api/1/users/:username/insights/


Name Description
limit Number of values to return per page, starting with today. Optional, max is 100.
page Page index. Optional, default is 1.
date_min Oldest date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.
date_max Most recent date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.

Get all insights for attribute

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/insights/attribute/sleep/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a JSON object containing a paged array:

    "count": 220, 
    "next": "", 
    "previous": null, 
    "results": [
            "created": "2015-05-09T01:00:02Z", 
            "target_date": "2015-05-08", 
            "html": "<div class=\"secondary\">Friday night: Shortest sleep for 3 days</div>...", 
            "text": "Friday night: Shortest sleep for 3 days...",
            "type": {
                "name": "sleep_worst_since_x", 
                "period": 1, 
                "priority": 2, 
                "attribute": {
                    "name": "sleep", 
                    "label": "Time asleep", 
                    "group": {
                        "name": "sleep", 
                        "priority": 3
                    "priority": 2

Returns a paged list of user’s insights for a specific attribute. Only available for the currently authenticated user.


GET /api/1/users/:username/insights/attribute/:attribute/


Name Description
limit Number of values to return per page, starting with today. Optional, max is 100.
page Page index. Optional, default is 1.
date_min Oldest date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.
date_max Most recent date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.


Get current averages

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/averages/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a JSON array:

        "attribute": "steps", 
        "date": "2020-04-29", 
        "overall": 4174.0, 
        "monday": 4057.0, 
        "tuesday": 6614.0, 
        "wednesday": 4001.0, 
        "thursday": 3923.0, 
        "friday": 4528.0, 
        "saturday": 3649.0, 
        "sunday": 3904.0
        "attribute": "floors", 
        "date": "2020-04-29", 
        "overall": 13.0, 
        "monday": 13.0, 
        "tuesday": 16.0, 
        "wednesday": 14.0, 
        "thursday": 12.0, 
        "friday": 14.0, 
        "saturday": 13.0, 
        "sunday": 12.0

Returns the most recent average values for each attribute. Only available for the currently authenticated user.


GET /api/1/users/:username/averages/

Get all averages for attribute

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/averages/attribute/steps/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a JSON object containing a paged array of results:

    "count": 11, 
    "next": null, 
    "previous": null, 
    "results": [
            "attribute": "steps", 
            "date": "2020-04-29", 
            "overall": 4174.0, 
            "monday": 4057.0, 
            "tuesday": 6614.0, 
            "wednesday": 4001.0, 
            "thursday": 3923.0, 
            "friday": 4528.0, 
            "saturday": 3649.0, 
            "sunday": 3904.0
            "attribute": "steps", 
            "date": "2020-03-30", 
            "overall": 4062.0, 
            "monday": 4057.0, 
            "tuesday": 6618.0, 
            "wednesday": 3610.0, 
            "thursday": 3923.0, 
            "friday": 4063.0, 
            "saturday": 3636.0, 
            "sunday": 3904.0

Returns a paged list of average values for an attribute.


GET /api/1/users/:username/averages/attribute/:attribute/


Name Description
limit Number of values to return per page, starting with today. Optional, max is 100.
page Page index. Optional, default is 1.
date_min Oldest date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.
date_max Most recent date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.


Get all correlations for attribute

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/correlations/attribute/steps/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a JSON object containing an array of results:

    "count": 479, 
    "next": "", 
    "previous": null, 
    "results": [
            "date": "2015-05-11", 
            "period": 90, 
            "attribute": "steps", 
            "attribute2": "steps_distance", 
            "value": 0.999735821732415,
            "p": 5.43055953485446e-146,
            "percentage": 43.254411196924906,
            "stars": 2,
            "second_person": "You get more steps when you spend more time active.",
            "second_person_elements": [
                "you get more steps",
                "you spend more time active"
            "attribute_category": null,
            "strength_description": "Quite often go together",
            "stars_description": "Certain to be related",
            "description": null,
            "occurrence": null,
            "rating": null
            "date": "2019-09-01",
            "period": 365,
            "attribute": "steps",
            "attribute2": "floors",
            "value": 0.389185953425964,
            "p": 1.2396329763201e-11,
            "percentage": 38.918595342596404,
            "stars": 5,
            "second_person": "You get more steps when you climb more floors.",
            "second_person_elements": [
                "you get more steps",
                "you climb more floors"
            "attribute_category": null,
            "strength_description": "Quite often go together",
            "stars_description": "Certain to be related",
            "description": "If you're out and about and walking around more, you're also more likely to be climbing floors. Especially if your home or workplace is multi-level.",
            "occurrence": "Common",
            "rating": {
                "positive": false,
                "rating": "Too obvious"

Returns a paged list of all correlations generated relating to this attribute, ordered by date. Correlations may appear more than once, with different results, as this relationship changes over time.


GET /api/1/users/:username/correlations/attribute/:attribute/


Name Description
limit Number of values to return per page, starting with today. Optional, max is 100.
page Page index. Optional, default is 1.
date_min Oldest date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.
date_max Most recent date (inclusive) of results to be returned, in format YYYY-mm-dd. Optional.
latest Set this to true to return only the most recently generated batch of correlations. Use this on its own without date_min and date_max.

Get the strongest correlations for all attributes

curl -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR_TOKEN]"\$self/correlations/strongest/
import requests

    headers={'Authorization':'Token [YOUR_TOKEN]'})

Returns a JSON array:

    "count": 479, 
    "next": "", 
    "previous": null, 
    "results": [
            "date": "2015-05-11", 
            "period": 90, 
            "attribute": "steps", 
            "attribute2": "steps_distance", 
            "value": 0.999735821732415,
            "p": 5.43055953485446e-146,
            "percentage": 43.254411196924906,
            "stars": 2,
            "second_person": "You get more steps when you spend more time active.",
            "second_person_elements": [
                "you get more steps",
                "you spend more time active"
            "attribute_category": null,
            "strength_description": "Quite often go together",
            "stars_description": "Certain to be related",
            "description": null,
            "occurrence": null,
            "rating": null
            "date": "2019-09-01",
            "period": 365,
            "attribute": "steps",
            "attribute2": "floors",
            "value": 0.389185953425964,
            "p": 1.2396329763201e-11,
            "percentage": 38.918595342596404,
            "stars": 5,
            "second_person": "You get more steps when you climb more floors.",
            "second_person_elements": [
                "you get more steps",
                "you climb more floors"
            "attribute_category": null,
            "strength_description": "Quite often go together",
            "stars_description": "Certain to be related",
            "description": "If you're out and about and walking around more, you're also more likely to be climbing floors. Especially if your home or workplace is multi-level.",
            "occurrence": "Common",
            "rating": {
                "positive": false,
                "rating": "Too obvious"

Returns a list of the user’s strongest correlations across all attributes.


GET /api/1/users/:username/correlations/strongest/

Attribute ownership

This section only applies for OAuth2 clients.

Only one service may have ownership of any user attribute at any given time. Services must acquire ownership of an attribute to be able to write data for this attribute, and can release ownership if needed, for example if the user closes their account with this service or chooses to turn off certain attributes.

The process of acquiring an attribute only needs to happen once, not each time the attribute is updated, although you may get an error if you attempt to update an attribute you don’t own.

Acquire attributes

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737" -X POST -d '[{"name":"mood", "active":true}, {"name":"mood_note", "active":true}]'
import requests, json

url = ''

attributes = [{"name":"mood", "active":True}, {"name":"mood_note", "active":True}]

response =, headers={'Authorization':'Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737'},

Returns JSON and a status code of 202 Accepted if some attributes failed (just for example, the above is correct)

{ "success": [ 
    { "name":"mood_note",
  "failed": [
    { "name":"mood",
      "error":"Object at index 0 missing field(s) 'active'"

Allows a service to update attribute data for these attributes. Users do not have to approve this (mostly because this would be cumbersome) so please explain/confirm this behaviour with users within your own application.


POST /api/1/attributes/acquire/


Clients must send a JSON-encoded array of objects, where each object contains a name string and an active boolean. Setting active to false indicates you’d like to deactivate this attribute without giving up ownership.

Name Description
name The attribute name, eg. mood_note
active true or false to set this attribute to active or inactive
private Optional true or false to change the privacy status of this attribute. Please notify users if you are making previously private attributes public and only do this with good reason.


Returns 200 OK if all attributes were processed successfully, or 202 Accepted if some attributes failed. The content is a JSON object containing success and failed arrays, where each item in the array is an attribute sent in the prior request. Failed attributes get error and error_code fields added.

Release attributes

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737" -X POST -d '[{"name":"mood"}, {"name":"mood_note"}]'
import requests, json

url = ''

attributes = [{"name":"mood"}, {"name":"mood_note"}]

response =, headers={'Authorization':'Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737'}, 

Returns JSON and a status code of 202 Accepted if some attributes failed (just for example, the above is correct)

{ "success": [ 
    { "name":"mood_note" }
  "failed": [
    { "name":"mood",
      "error":"Attribute 'mood' does not belong to this service"

Do this to release your ownership of any attributes. The attributes’ ownership will pass to another service, if the user has another supplied that has indicated it can handle this attribute, or otherwise become inactive.


POST /api/1/attributes/release/


Clients must send a JSON-encoded array of objects, where each object contains a name string. The objects may seem superfluous but this is to be consistent with the acquire endpoint.

Name Description
name The attribute name, eg. mood_note


Returns 200 OK if all attributes were processed successfully, or 202 Accepted if some attributes failed. The content is a JSON object containing success and failed arrays, where each item in the array is an attribute sent in the prior request. Failed attributes get error and error_code fields added.

List owned attributes

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737"
import requests

url = ''

response = requests.get(url, headers={'Authorization':'Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737'})

Returns a JSON array of attributes for the authenticated user and owned by this service:

        "attribute": "steps", 
        "label": "Steps", 
        "value": null, 
        "service": "fitbit", 
        "priority": 1, 
        "private": false, 
        "value_type": 0, 
        "value_type_description": "Integer"
        "attribute": "steps_active_min", 
        "label": "Active minutes", 
        "value": null, 
        "service": "fitbit", 
        "priority": 2, 
        "private": false, 
        "value_type": 0, 
        "value_type_description": "Integer"

This is a convenience endpoint to list all attributes for the authenticated user currently owned by this service.


GET /api/1/attributes/owned/

Updating attributes


If you jumped straight here looking for how to send data for your own attributes, here’s a recap of the steps you may have missed:

  1. Make sure you have an OAuth2 client set up
  2. Make sure you’ve listed all attributes you’d like to be able to write to (set this from your app management page)
  3. Make sure you have acquired ownership of the attribute before updating (just once, not each time)
  4. Now you can update.

Updating attribute values

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737" -X POST -d '[{"name":"mood", "date":"2015-05-20", "value":5}, {"name":"mood_note", "date":"2015-05-20", "value":"Great day playing with the Exist API"}]'
import requests, json

url = ''

attributes = [{"name":"mood", "date":"2015-05-20", "value":5}, {"name":"mood_note", "date":"2015-05-20", "value":"Great day playing with the Exist API"}]

response =, headers={'Authorization':'Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737'},

Returns a JSON object containing successful and failed updates:

{ "success": [ 
    { "name":"mood_note",
      "value":"Great day playing with the Exist API"
  "failed": [
    { "name":"mood",
      "error":"Object at index 0 missing field(s) 'value'"

This section only applies for OAuth2 clients.

This endpoint allows services to update attribute data for the authenticated user. Data is stored on a single day granularity, so each update contains name, date, and value. Make sure the date is local to the user — though you do not have to worry about timezones directly, if you are using your local time instead of the user’s local time, you may be a day ahead or behind!

Valid values are described by the attribute’s value_type and value_type_description fields. However, values are only validated broadly by type and so care must be taken to send correct data. Do not rely on Exist to validate your values beyond enforcing the correct type.

Check value types for each attribute in list of supported attributes.


POST /api/1/attributes/update/


Clients must send a JSON-encoded array of objects containing a name, date, and value. The array must not exceed 35 objects in length.

Name Description
name The attribute name, eg. mood_note
date String of format YYYY-mm-dd
value A valid value for this attribute type: string, integer, or float


Returns 200 OK if all attributes were processed successfully, or 202 Accepted if some attributes failed. The content is a JSON object containing success and failed arrays, where each item in the array is an attribute sent in the prior request. Failed attributes get error and error_code fields added.

Updating custom tags

There are two valid approaches here for sending tags:

Both are documented below.

Validating tag names

import re

def validate_tag(raw_tag):
    # for python 3: remove the 'u'
    regex = re.compile(ur'[\W]', re.UNICODE)

    tag = raw_tag.replace(' ', '_')
    tag = regex.sub('', tag)
    tag = tag.strip('_')

    if len(tag) == 0:
        raise Exception("Tag '%s' contains too many invalid characters" % raw_tag)

    return tag

Tags must be “slugs” that can contain only valid unicode letters, numbers, and underscores. Convert spaces to underscores, remove invalid characters, and make sure to trim leading and trailing whitespace. An example validation method is provided here in Python.

Acquiring and managing all tags

If you wish to manage all tags for a user, which you might do if you were writing an alternative “tag client” app, for example, you can handle this similarly to updating any other attribute. In this case, you acquire and update the custom attribute with a string of comma-separated tags.

This is a short-hand means for updating each tag attribute to have a value of 1 for the day. For example, sending a string value of tired, sex means these tags will have a value of 1 set, and all others will be set to 0. The zeroing of other tags gives users an easy way to remove tags for a day, but this means care must be taken to not overwrite tags sent via the append method.

To get existing tags for a day

If you are managing all tags and don’t want to overwrite existing tags, you should:

  1. Get a list of all custom tag attributes
  2. Get the names of all attributes with a value of 1 for the day
  3. Concatenate these into one string, joined by commas
  4. Use this string as the starting value for your updates

To update tags

  1. Make sure your client app has permission to acquire the custom attribute (set this from your app management page)
  2. Make sure you have acquired ownership of the custom attribute before updating (just once, not each time)
  3. Send a string value for custom containing a list of tags. Tags must be sent as a comma-separated list of validated tag names.

To read and present tags, you can read about custom tags values.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737" -X POST -d '[{"name":"custom", "date":"2015-05-20", "value":"tired, bike_ride, vitamin_d"}]'
import requests, json

url = ''

attributes = [{"name":"custom", "date":"2015-05-20", "value":"tired, bike_ride, vitamin_d"}]

response =, headers={'Authorization':'Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737'},

Returns a JSON object containing successful and failed updates:

{ "success": [ 
    { "name":"custom",
      "value":"tired, bike_ride, vitamin_d"
  "failed": []


POST /api/1/attributes/update/


Clients must send a JSON-encoded array of objects containing a name, date, and value.

Name Description
name custom
date String of format YYYY-mm-dd
value A string of comma- (and optional space-) separated tags in the form bike_ride, meditation, sex


Returns 200 OK if all attributes were processed successfully, or 202 Accepted if some attributes failed. The content is a JSON object containing success and failed arrays, where each item in the array is an attribute sent in the prior request. Failed attributes get error and error_code fields added.

Appending specific tags

This alternative method allows you to append tags to a day without ownership of the custom attribute. By using the append endpoint, you can send a list of tags, with optional dates, and have these tags added to the user’s other tag selections for that day. This works well for event-based use cases, where a particular event might trigger a particular tag. You can easily send a single tag name, without date, to add it to the current day in the user’s time zone.

To use this endpoint, your client needs to have asked for the append permission with the current user. When following the OAuth2 authentication process, substitute scope=append, or scope=read+write+append if you also need write access.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737" -X POST -d '[{"value":"bike_ride", "date":"2017-05-20"}]'
import requests, json

url = ''

tags = [{"value":"bike_ride", "date":"2017-05-20"}]
# alternatively you could send a single value for today
tags = {"value":"bike_ride"}

response =, headers={'Authorization':'Bearer 96524c5ca126d87eb18ee7eff408ca0e71e94737'},

Returns a JSON object containing successful and failed updates:

{ "success": [ 
    { "date":"2015-05-20",
  "failed": []


POST /api/1/attributes/custom/append/


Clients must send either:

Name Description
value The validated name of the tag to append
date Optional string of format YYYY-mm-dd. If omitted, current day is assumed


Returns 200 OK if all tags were processed successfully, or 202 Accepted if some attributes failed. The content is a JSON object containing success and failed arrays, where each item in the array is an attribute sent in the prior request. Failed attributes get error and error_code fields added.

API roadmap


Questions and feedback

You can always send us an email with questions.

Please, give the API a thorough workout and tell us what’s inconsistent or missing. Your feedback is going to help us shape a sensible, robust API v1 that we’ll collectively be stuck with for a fair while.

Sign up to the developer list

The easiest way to be kept up to date about API changes and announcements is to join the list.
